New Things & All The Old Things

Hello this weekend! We have been moving through a backlog of projects at the shop and have the freezers well stocked with meatloaf, ham and bean soup, french onion soup, meatballs and many other quick options. If you wanted to buy some stock, season it well and float some thinly sliced hotpot style beef or pork in it, we've got you covered there as well.

We made a sausage this week that hasn't been at the shop in many years - Kasekrainer. A smoked beef and pork sausage similar to kielbasa, it is packed with white wine, fresh garlic and alpine style cheese. Its smoky, funky and delicious. Sear some up and serve it along with a hunk of bread, Dijon and a green salad for a quick meal.

If you have any special requests, please let us know. We are always happy to cut something unique for you and as usual, we are all ears if you are looking for something that we haven't made in a while or even something we have never made.

As you can see, the animals are looking phenomenal. See you around the village this week!

Ross Flynn