Going Out on a Limb

Have you cooked anything new lately? Maybe you come into the shop every week with no idea what you are coming for, let your mind wander and then go home and make something inspired based on what you have at hand. More likely, you have a pretty good idea what your needs are for the week and come in with a purpose and a plan. Working at the shop, having kids, engagements and otherwise busy lives we rarely have a plan. Therefore, dinner is more often than not taking those cuts that "need" to be used and throwing together something from what we have stocked in our pantries. Usually it comes out pretty well, on the occasion it doesn't you must tell everyone in the shop how bad it was! (If you need a refresher on some of the basic cooking techniques, our cooking class is a great refresher or entry point)

Here's a tangential and unnecessary story for you. I remember the first time I ever decided to wing it. I was in college and making tacos for a group of friends when I realized that I didn't have the packet of taco seasoning that is a necessary component to make tacos. I was in hot water, I had friends and meat and shells but it wasn't taco meat. And then in a moment of clarity and inspiration I realized that a packet of Old El Paso taco seasoning was just that, seasoning. I was living in a world where that seasoning could likely be replicated to a degree and I went for it. I created taco meat, people ate it, it was a vision of success and satiation.

All this to say, you can usually just wing it when you have a quality product and a little bit of know how. If you see something in the shop and you are unsure of what to do with it, ask us - we know how to cook it. And often, what we suggest may surprise you and will likely be something middle-of-the-road and economical.

Stock up this week for the Super Bowl and any early Valentines plans you may have. We will have everything you could need.

Ross Flynn