It's Total May"ham"

Actually its March"ham". But, we have lots of ham available for Easter next weekend and hope you will put in an order if you would like one. That being said, it hasn't been mayhem, but it has been a very busy week at the shop. We brought in lots of animals, including three gorgeous lamb from our friend Joe at Back Creek Ranch in Mt. Ula, NC. Much of that has been spoken for but if you would like something, we will have some cuts in the case, and you are welcome to call the shop to see what may be available.

We hope you checked your email and saw the introduction of our butchery membership club. For a long while, we have dreamed of being able to put together really well curated boxes that our customers could pick up on a recurring monthly basis. Obviously we are in the business of selling meat and doing so is good for the shop, however, the reasons that this makes sense for us are a bit more nuanced. Forecasting our needs as a shop when we are dependent on bringing in whole animals is a bear of a task. We are completely precluded from things like "ordering" another case of ribeyes or selling cheap spare ribs because they are on sale that week. If we want one extra four lb filet mignon, our model necessitates that we bring in a 400 lb side of beef to do so. Being able to forecast our needs with some certainty is truly so helpful in both workflow and orders but also in our ability to be more creative.

Secondly, coming up on 10 years in business, we think you know us pretty well. We have many customers, and we also have very real relationships with many of them. The membership program allows you to do something we hope is appealing—put your faith in your butcher and know that you are going to be taken care of. Thats where the honor and privilege of this whole thing comes in. We get to do what we love with the same craftsmanship as before and be assured that every cut is making it to someone’s plate.

If you would like something special for Easter, please put in an order to assure we have what you need. Lastly, we will be closed on Easter Sunday, so plan to come see us by Saturday at six to fill your fridge. Thanks for your support as we close in our 10th year, and thanks for giving us the confidence to try something new!

And, as always, visit the weekly order form and get your order in.

Ross Flynn